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Ninnet Games

A member registered Jan 20, 2021

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yes i guess

Like Maybe When you right click on a desktop it will describe its function

Hi Gamefroot it was a bit complicated how the code works (cause of the words not describing its function well) so would it make sense that theirs some default opinions which then you can mess around with whiles keeping a blank canvas?

you could convert it so it can be played on the computer and not just using a browser

Islands of War(outdated) by jwiggs ( for 1.3.2

the antivirus automatically reenables it self it the file contains an unrecoginesed DLL file

operating system dosent help much

as your antivirus is deleting the file

How I Would Do It Is Company Then A  Word Like Gold Or A Letter Like I C Etc..., Then A Number In The 4 Digits Range And End It Off With A Random String Of Numbers And Letter With The Last 3 Reserve For Which Region Its Primary Selling At.